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Ulric of England


Royal Air Force Combat Report Sgt.Marian Wedzig, 320 Squadron.

Royal Air Force Combat Report Sgt.Marian Wedzig, 320 Squadron.
Royal Air Force Combat Report Sgt.Marian Wedzig, 320 Squadron.
Royal Air Force Combat Report Sgt.Marian Wedzig, 320 Squadron.
Royal Air Force Combat Report Sgt.Marian Wedzig, 320 Squadron.
Royal Air Force Combat Report Sgt.Marian Wedzig, 320 Squadron.
Royal Air Force Combat Report Sgt.Marian Wedzig, 320 Squadron.

Royal Air Force Combat Report Sgt.Marian Wedzig, 320 Squadron.

A Royal Air Force combat Report for sale.

Formed on 10th July 1940, 320 Squadron were equipped with Hawker Hurricanes, and manned by Polish pilots. They took part in the Battle of Britain.

Sergeant Marian Wedzig was forced to bail-out of his burning Hurricane during a 'dogfight' with a Me109 [October 15 1940]. He also had a number of victories to his credit. 

The Combat Report was completed by Wedzig on 16th February 1941, (after Wedzig, and his fellow pilot, shot down a Ju.88).

Green fullscap document with heading 'Combat Report', typed details with ink 'Marian Wedzig'  signature to lower right.

An extremely rare, Royal Air Force,  Battle of Britain related document for sale in near mint condition.


£ 375.00

Please click here to send an email about this item, or phone 00 44 (0) 1694 781354 to arrange or discuss purchase, quoting stock number: b001351

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