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Ulric of England


Military Medal | 1st Day Somme | Devonshire Regiment

Military Medal | 1st Day Somme | Devonshire Regiment
Military Medal | 1st Day Somme | Devonshire Regiment
Military Medal | 1st Day Somme | Devonshire Regiment
Military Medal | 1st Day Somme | Devonshire Regiment
Military Medal | 1st Day Somme | Devonshire Regiment

Military Medal | 1st Day Somme | Devonshire Regiment

Serjeant Gilliland was severely wounded - and died

on the 1st day of The Somme.


A 'First Day of The Somme' Military Medal for sale with ribbon. The Military Medal to Serjeant John Gilliland, 2nd Bn, Devonshire Regiment.

Condition report: The  medal cleaned and with replacement ribbon.

Notes on Serjeant John Gilliland: Gilliland was severely wounded -and died on the first day of the Somme. He is Gazetted on 19th February 1917 for the award of the Military Medal and  remembered on the Thiepval Memorial. Historian, and Military Medal expert, Howard Williamson, advises that because Gilliland died of wounds on the 1st day of the Somme, indicates he would in all probability, have been recommended for the award on the day, while still alive, and then subsequently died - since posthumous recommendations were not permissible.

Additional notes: Photocopy of London Gazette, medal entitlement and Commonwealth War Graves Commission included in the sale.

Price: SOLD

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