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Ulric of England


Waterloo Medals

Waterloo Medals

Waterloo Medals


 Waterloo Medals 

A Collecting Conundrum


For 'new' buyers with the time-honoured collecting condundrum - to display

or squirrel away.

The Battle of Waterloo is arguably one - if not the -  most important

military battles of the 19th century. Today 'Waterloo' rightly claims its

place at the heart of English culture: it is the steadfast name assigned to our roads,

bridges, and railway stations. In alluding to the final defeat of Napoleon, 'Waterloo'
is a metaphor, and as the title to several legendary
songs (think ABBA and The Kinks), 'Waterloo' has secured a permanent seat  in
the comparatively transient world of  pop- and rock culture.

 In 2015 'Waterloo' underwent a significant

metamorphosis and  returned to its roots: the Belgian battle field where The Duke of

Wellington commanded an army of British, Dutch, and German forces to decisive victory.


For traditional medal collectors Waterloo 2015 was an opportunity to

  refine collections. For individuals who would not otherwise be familiar with

'The Battle,' Waterloo 2015 was the catalyst to ancestor- and heritage-related

interests. These 'new' buyers generally preferred Waterloo Medals with 'family links,' -

(however tenuous), impeccable provenance   and 'personality paperwork.'





Thinking of Buying

'Waterloo Medals are an affordable way to own a great piece of military history. 

If you're a  seasoned Waterloo Medal collector looking to buy a definitive Waterloo Medal

to commemorate the  Battle of Waterloo bicentenary, or a tentative 'first-time' buyer

requiring guidance, please telephone or send an email.'


Ulric of England sells Waterloo Medals from all the important Battle of Waterloo regiments including the Union Brigade, Royal Welsh Fusiliers and  Scot's Greys, plus Waterloo Medals from  lesser-known, 'unsung' regiments, which invariably reveal fascinating stories. We also offer flexible payment terms to help with budgeting, so if a particular Waterloo Medal catches your eye you don't need to miss out.*   


Given our experience (some 30+ years), and significant global reach, we are privileged to represent some of the most important Waterloo Medal collections, and single  Waterloo Medals for sale at any given time;furthermore, we've established an impeccable track-record for matching Waterloo Medal buyers to Waterloo Medal sellers, achieving great sales along the way.



 Thinking of Selling

'An Invitation to sell your single Waterloo Medal or Collection.'


We are looking to buy (or receive on consignment), both single Waterloo Medals and Waterloo Medal collections. We are particularly interested to consider Waterloo Medals in the following categories and/or to specific individuals:

Single Waterloo Medals to distinguished regiments and/or individuals
Waterloo Medal collections, including important single-owner collections.
Waterloo Medals with impeccable provenance.
Waterloo Medal awarded to Lord Liverpool, Master of The Mint, (sold at auction 2005).
Waterloo Medal/MGS pair awadred to James Staples (sold at auction 1994).
Waterloo Medal (and associated militaria) to Lieutenant James Forlong.
Waterloo Medal rolls and associated Battle of Warterloo properties.



Provenance |Personality |Patina

Quality-condition, rank, rarity, and regiment, have always motivated  the Waterloo Medal collector. During the last three years however, and possibly influenced by genealogy trends, (and more recently the Battle of Waterloo bicentenary), Waterloo Medal buyers have acquired an increasing  passion for medals with  provenance and personality. The result: Waterloo Medals for sale in less than perfect condition - with  provenance,  are proving to be equally desireable as their more impeccable-looking counterparts; similarly Waterloo Medals for sale with 'personality paperwork' which reveals the 'man behind the medal.'


Traditonal medal collectors are also showing a preference towards Waterloo Medals offering a visual 'sense of history' for example medals with original silk ribbon, however faded & frayed. Additionally, the subdued appearance imparted to medals (and coins) through natural patination, is increasingly preferred.


 * For more information about our lay-away budgeting plan(s) and/or selling your Waterloo Medal(s) outirght or on consignment, please telephone or send an email. Information published on the Ulric of England website is for guidance only. Terms & Conditions apply.