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Ulric of England


The Reinhard Heydrich Biography. Volume 1. Road To War

The Reinhard Heydrich Biography. Volume 1. Road To War
The Reinhard Heydrich Biography. Volume 1. Road To War
The Reinhard Heydrich Biography. Volume 1. Road To War
The Reinhard Heydrich Biography. Volume 1. Road To War
The Reinhard Heydrich Biography. Volume 1. Road To War
The Reinhard Heydrich Biography. Volume 1. Road To War
The Reinhard Heydrich Biography. Volume 1. Road To War
The Reinhard Heydrich Biography. Volume 1. Road To War

The Reinhard Heydrich Biography. Volume 1. Road To War


A first-class work of historical investigation
Roger Bender, Bender Publishing, USA
The Reinhard Heydrich Biography, Volumes 1 & 2


This objective and informed, two-volume study, represents political, personal, military and biographical history at its finest.

The son of an eminent musician and devout Catholic, as a child Reinhard Heydrich was shy and retiring, as an adult, a brilliant strategist, ingenious diplomat and ambitious sportsman. Idealistic in politics, faithful in love, single-minded and sensitive, Heydrich is complex and compelling: a 20th century Machiavellian and ‘Renaissance man.’   

From a relatively young age, Heydrich excelled in single-sporting disciplines, for example shooting, flying and fencing. He later held a seat at the International Olympic Commitee (1936 Olympic Games), and promoted the benefits of fencing as a discipline in SS culture. Destined to become Hitler's heir apparent, Heydrich was afforded a State funeral in the new Reich Chancellory.

Road To War, Volume 1, chapter Snap-Shots: 

The Formative Years

' ...financially the Heydrich family never totally recovered. This made a strong impact on the young Reinhard Heydrich; for the first time he became involved in politics.'

 Heydrich’s Naval Career

'Heydrich joined Crew 22. His first training period was spent in Kiel where fellow crew members were quick to acknowledge his falsetto voice and nick-named him 'billy-goat.'Lieutenant Commander Wilhelm Canaris made a profound impression on Heydrich.'

 A New Direction

'Himmler outlined his requirement...a new Intelligence Service for the SS, and gave Heydrich just twenty minutes to draft a plan.' 

The Infant Security Service

'Heydrich was responsible for collating news articles. He borrowed a typewriter from Hilderbrandt's office and  established a filing system using  a cigar box and index cards to file his newspaper cuttings. This then was the birth of the Sicherheitsdienst, or SD...

 By December 1931 Heydrich was rewarded with a promotion...Himmler recognised the importance of Heydrich's Intelligence Service, relocated the office and allowed Heydrich three assistants. This was the first, independent office for the SD. Surprisingly it still lacked a typewriter.'

 The Foundation of The SS State

1935 saw the birth of the SS newspaper ‘Das Schwarze Korps.’ The first issue instantly projected the SS into the public eye. Himmler appointed Gunter d’Alquen as the newspapers' editor.  Reinhard Heydrich, the driving force behind the newspaper contributed articles  – often anonymously.'  

Road To War

Summer 1933. Austrian chancellor Engelbert Dolfuss banned the Austrian National Socialist Party, members flee into Bavaria...Fridolin Glass forces Dolfuss from Office... Otto Palenta fatally shot. Chamberlain signs the Munich Agreement. The on-set of Case White and the invasion of Poland.





Ulric Woodhams founded Ulric of England in 1976, and Ulric Publishing in 1992.

Ulric has authored-and published- numerous authoritative works since the 1980s. The most notable books to date include Deutschland Erwache [Bender Publishing, USA, 1997], Chariots of War, [Ulric Publishing, 2004], and Inside The Allgemeine-SS, [Andrea Press, Spain, 2011].

Ulric's commitment to preserving military history is most evident in Chariots of War. Robert Hobson, founder of The Underwater Heritage Trust enlisted Ulric Publishing to transform his late father's war diaries and secret documents into a book. Endorsed with a  foreword by H.R.H. The Duke of Edinburgh, plus afterwords by Admiral Bettini, and Stanley Johnson, MBE, (The Eden Camp Museum, Yorkshire); the published work was instrumental in raising awareness for the 'Chariots' and The Underwater Heritage Trust.



Retired Metropolitan policeman, Peter Kane, [Pen Name, Max Williams], is by his own admission, obsessed with the Third Reich SS, in particular the Concentration Camp systems run by the SS.

Kane's forensic skills were instrumental in assisting with research for both The Reinhard Heydrich-  and SS Leadership Corps- books.

Kane lives in South London with his parrot. He is understood to spend most of his time dedicated to 'all matters SS.'


Volume 1

Title: The Heydrich Biography

Sub-Title: Road To War

Published: September 2001

Casebound: hard-back


Size: English A4

Photographs & illustrations: 275, thereabouts

ISBN/13: 978 0953 75 77 56

Author: Ulric Woodhams.
Author Pen Name: Ulric of England

Publisher: Ulric Publishing

Assistant: Peter Kane.
Assistant Pen Name: Max Williams








£ 29.95

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