Please enable JavaScript. This website does not function properly without JavaScript enabled. ADOLF HITLER RZM SS CUFF TITLES FOR SALE | FIRST ISSUE MACHINE-EMBFROIDERED.

Ulric of England


SS Leibstandarte Adolf Hitler RZM OR/NCO Cuff Title | Machine-Embroidered

SS Leibstandarte Adolf Hitler RZM OR/NCO Cuff Title | Machine-Embroidered
SS Leibstandarte Adolf Hitler RZM OR/NCO Cuff Title | Machine-Embroidered
SS Leibstandarte Adolf Hitler RZM OR/NCO Cuff Title | Machine-Embroidered
SS Leibstandarte Adolf Hitler RZM OR/NCO Cuff Title | Machine-Embroidered

SS Leibstandarte Adolf Hitler RZM OR/NCO Cuff Title | Machine-Embroidered

SS Leibstandarte Adolf Hitler RZM OR/NCO Cuff Title


Adolf Hitler RZM SS cuff title. The cuff title in machine-embroidered RZM form. The cuff title with typical off-white 'Adolf Hitler' script machine-embroidered letters on a black band. Upper and lower silver-aluminium edges.

Condition report: The tunic removed cuff title shows some general service wear wear. 

Price: SOLD

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